About Us

Who we Are

About us

About Us

When I started Orca Institute in 1986 I had no idea that it would grow into what it is now. As our students have grown and changed over the years we have adapted as well. We are now the only Designated (PTIB) Hypnotherapy school in BC.

I coined the term counselling hypnotherapy in 1997. My intent was and still is to offer extensive counselling training in addition to hypnotherapy to our students.

We believe that this gives them the best chance of succeeding in the ever-changing world of counselling. With legislation in five provinces currently and more to come it is no longer feasible to provide a short course and go out and practice.

At the same time, it provides an incredible opportunity to become recognized by not only various counselling associations but also by various provincial governments. This changes the parameters and the potential for new and established counsellors in Canada.

Diane Auld and I have a combined experience of 50 years of practicing in the field of counselling and hypnotherapy.

Diane’s weekend classes are becoming very well-known and very much appreciated by our students who are looking for that personal touch and communication not always found in other training.
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Contact Us

Orca Institute

 !202 1255 Bidwell St.

Vancouver, BC

V6G 2K8

Sheldon Bilsker, CH, RCC
